Product Name:4-fluoro-N-{[1-(4-fluorophenyl)cyclopropyl]methyl}benzene-1-sulfonamide

IUPAC Name:4-fluoro-N-{[1-(4-fluorophenyl)cyclopropyl]methyl}benzene-1-sulfonamide

Molecular Formula:C16H15F2NO2S
Catalog Number:CM893260
Molecular Weight:323.36

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Product Details

CAS NO:1049357-88-1
Molecular Formula:C16H15F2NO2S
Melting Point:-
Smiles Code:FC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1(CNS(=O)(=O)C2=CC=C(F)C=C2)CC1
Catalog Number:CM893260
Molecular Weight:323.36
Boiling Point:

Category Infos

Cyclopropane is the smallest cyclic compound with unique structural features and physicochemical properties, which is widely used in the design of small molecule drugs. In drug design, it is often used to increase activity, fix conformation and improve PK and water solubility. The introduction of cyclopropyl groups into drugs can change various properties of molecules, such as improving metabolic stability; increasing biological activity; enhancing drug efficacy; limiting polypeptide conformation and slowing down its hydrolysis; reducing plasma clearance; improving drug dissociation and many more. Cyclopropane rings are widely found in marketed drugs, including cardiovascular drugs, central nervous system (CNS) drugs, anticancer drugs, autoimmune and anti-inflammatory drugs.