Product Name:tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate

IUPAC Name:tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate

Molecular Formula:C11H20FNO3
Catalog Number:CM106254
Molecular Weight:233.28

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Product Details

CAS NO:1253929-32-6
Molecular Formula:C11H20FNO3
Melting Point:-
Smiles Code:O=C(N1CCC(O)(CF)CC1)OC(C)(C)C
Catalog Number:CM106254
Molecular Weight:233.28
Boiling Point:

Category Infos

Piperidine is an azacycloalkane that is cyclohexane in which one of the carbons is replaced by a nitrogen. Although piperidine is a common organic compound, it is an immensely important class of compounds medicinally: the piperidine ring is the most common heterocyclic subunit among FDA approved drugs.
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Product Other Information

Product Overview Tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate is a synthetic organic compound that is used in a variety of scientific and research applications. It is a versatile compound that is used in a number of fields, such as biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacology. Tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate has a number of unique properties that make it useful in a variety of research applications.
Physical Properties Tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate is a colorless, flammable liquid with a low odor and is soluble in water.
Chemical Properties Tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate is a reactive compound, often utilized as a starting material or intermediate in various chemical reactions and synthesis processes.
Synthesis and Application Tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate is used in a variety of scientific research applications. It is used in the synthesis of a number of compounds, including pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and other organic compounds. Tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate is also used in the synthesis of a number of fluorinated compounds, which are used in a variety of research applications. Tert-butyl 4-(fluoromethyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-carboxylate is also used in the synthesis of a number of peptide and protein derivatives, which are used in a variety of research applications.