Product Name:1-tert-Butyl 3-methyl 4-oxopiperidine-1,3-dicarboxylate

IUPAC Name:1-tert-butyl 3-methyl 4-oxopiperidine-1,3-dicarboxylate

Molecular Formula:C12H19NO5
Catalog Number:CM101967
Molecular Weight:257.29

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CM101967-100g in stock Ǒƃ
CM101967-500g in stock ŪŪȖ

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Product Details

CAS NO:161491-24-3
Molecular Formula:C12H19NO5
Melting Point:-
Smiles Code:O=C(N1CC(C(OC)=O)C(CC1)=O)OC(C)(C)C
Catalog Number:CM101967
Molecular Weight:257.29
Boiling Point:350°C at 760 mmHg
MDL No:MFCD08752608
Storage:Keep in inert atmosphere, store at 2-8°C.

Category Infos

Piperidine is an azacycloalkane that is cyclohexane in which one of the carbons is replaced by a nitrogen. Although piperidine is a common organic compound, it is an immensely important class of compounds medicinally: the piperidine ring is the most common heterocyclic subunit among FDA approved drugs.
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Column Infos

Corcept completes enrollment in phase 3 Gradient trial of Relacorilant in patients with Adrenal Cushing’s Syndrome. Cushing's disease or hypercortisolism is a rare endocrine disorder that occurs when a pituitary adenoma makes excessive cortisol. Cortisol exerts its functions by binding to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR).
Relacorilant is a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator (SGRM) in clinical development to prevent the effects of high cortisol. Relacorilant is being studied in various serious disorders, including ovarian, adrenal and prostate cancer and Cushing’s syndrome.

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