Product Name:1-methanesulfonyl-3-[3-(4-methoxyphenyl)azepane-1-carbonyl]imidazolidin-2-one

IUPAC Name:1-methanesulfonyl-3-[3-(4-methoxyphenyl)azepane-1-carbonyl]imidazolidin-2-one

Molecular Formula:C18H25N3O5S
Catalog Number:CM615785
Molecular Weight:395.47

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Product Details

CAS NO:1795471-64-5
Molecular Formula:C18H25N3O5S
Melting Point:-
Smiles Code:COC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1CCCCN(C1)C(=O)N1CCN(C1=O)S(C)(=O)=O
Catalog Number:CM615785
Molecular Weight:395.47
Boiling Point:

Category Infos

Imidazolidine is a heterocyclic compound (CH2)2(NH)2CH2. The parental imidazolidines are less studied, but related compounds substituted on one or both nitrogen centers are more common. Generally, they are colorless, polar, basic compounds. Imidazolidines are examples of cyclic 5-membered general amines. Imidazolidine derivatives are key components in the development of bioactive compounds for the treatment of various diseases, especially Chagas disease. In fact, other studies have shown that imidazoline-2,4-diones have a wide range of pharmacological activities, including anticonvulsant, antiarrhythmic, and antiparasitic.
imidazolidine supplier
As a imidazolidine supplier,we sincerely welcome the new and old friends from home and abroad to synergize with our company and share the benefits and opportunities.
The use of azepane as a scaffold for drug discovery remains of interest. The azepane linker is the key to efficient activity. A number of seven-membered ring derivatives have been prepared or investigated for their potential or actual pharmacological properties. Examples include azaalkane derivatives as PKB (protein kinase B) inhibitors.